Well here we are...the day before my 90 day journey. No, I'm not doing P90X (we do have it though and it's ridiculous...) but who has 1.5 hours a day to dedicate to that. Not me. I'm a stay at home mom with a very demanding and attached 6 month old. A beautiful, handsome, charming, hilarious 6 month old that I love with all my heart. I love everything about my little man except for that fact that he assisted in packing on a good 40lbs during pregnancy. I mean, of course it wasn't the pizza fries that were a mandatory once a week indulgence. Sure it wasn't the frozen yogurt topped with an entire container of chocolate sprinkles.
During my pregnancy, I always made sure I NEVER looked at the scale at the doctors by yelling to the nurses "I don't want to know!" Except for that one time when my curiosity got the best of me and I peeked at my file while waiting for my exam. Damnit why did I look? The first number was a number I never thought in my entire life I would see. But. Ok Courtney. Breathe. You are pregnant and well, let's face it you didn't exactly start out the whole pregnant journey as a fit and thin woman. Fast forward to my 5 week check up post baby and the doctor saying "Wow, you lost a lot of weight." Hmm, how much is a lot of weight? Again I was curious but didn't want to ask "Uh, well, just how much is that Dr?" She left the room. I peeked at the chart. Damnit. Again, Courtney? Really?!?! Lucky for me that first number I previously saw was no where to be seen but was replaced by a number I knew and loved. Phew. Not that I was anywhere near I wanted to be. You would think at that appointment after looking at the scale I would say, ok, here we go, let's get rid of this baby weight and then some. However sleepless nights and my penchant for "Trail Mix" (quotations meaning that I did not touch a nut nor a raisin but ate out all the chocolate chips) did not help my cause. Sure, I started Zumba which I loved and started to see what once again semi-resembled my stomach (minus that weird looking part that I think diet will help get rid of.) But my eating habits didn't change the way I wanted them to.... And I really needed to add more cardio to my workouts... in addition to some light weight lifting.
I hemmed and hawed (how do you spell hawed?) on January 1st as most do. Okay, this is the year. A clean slate, a new decade...how can I do this? Do I join Weight Watchers? What the hell could I do? Then I thought about a sign I saw at the gym. A weight loss challenge a la Biggest Loser. 3 months. 90 days. (hence the name for this blog.) You have a teammate, weigh in weekly, participate in challenges, work out with a trainer and at the end hopefully lose 3lbs a week. That's right...36lbs please. GONE and AWAY! In it's place...a nice fit Courtney circa 1999. The problem was that I needed a partner and with Steve travelling a lot I knew he wouldn't be able to commit to completely clean eating and working out every day. So I emailed to see if there were any women out there who needed a partner. Sure enough, there was. Phew, so far so good. Now, I don't know anything about this woman. Is she 65 with 10 lbs to lose or 18 with 100 lbs to lose? I have no idea. Would she scoff at my 36lb weight loss goal if she had a lot to lose? Would she be as committed as I am going to be? (hence the reason for this blog: to hold myself accountable to the world) Because at the end of this I want to win. I want to win the gift certificate for dinner (uh, really?) a massage, and most importantly the trophy and bragging rights. Well, not most importantly. If I lose 36lbs and don't win, I'll still be a winner. But damnit, I realllly want that trophy. (I'm a sore loser I've been told and apparently it's my dad's fault...)
During this 90 days of hell (okay, no more negative talk: During these 90 days of HEALTHY Courtney) I will also be participating in a 5K, something I've never done before. I"m not an avid runner, hell, I'm not a runner at all but I hope to at least gain enough stamina to finish the race respectably. Not to mention you run around Citizen's Bank Park and get two free Phillies tickets...how cool is that?
So...here I am. The day before Day 1. The calm before the storm. Well, the storm before the calm...at least in my stomach having ingested a "last supper" of an eggplant calzone and raisinettes. Well, I haven't had the raisinettes yet. Little does Steve know he needs to head to CVS in a minute or two to get those for me.
At 6pm tomorrow I'll be weighing in and meeting my partner for the first time. I'm still hoping to see that last first number and hopefully see a three digit number I'll never see again. Still undecided on if I'm going to post said number or just let you know my weekly progress. Thoughts on that?
So here I sit excited and pumped for the next 90 days because it could change my life. I need it to change my life. And after all, it's ONLY 90 days. If brave people can survive illnesses and fight for our country for years, I should be able to restrain from shoving my face with sprinkles and Primo Hoagies. I WILL do this. And I have all of you to hold me accountable as I go through this journey. Any motivational or inspirational quotes are greatly appreciated. I"m hoping that during this journey I will come to know some kind of self worth along the way. I don't want my weight to define me but want to be the healthiest I can be at the weight I need to be (well, that was a tad bit hypocritical...oh well... consider me a little vain and shallow.) After all I wish I could shell out the money for some liposuction....
I will post a picture tomorrow morning. First day of something that's going to be very difficult for me...And I hope that at the end of it all I can say "Wow, it really WAS only 90 days...and take a really good look at me now."
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